Pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto
Sons, Not Slaves
Sons, Not Slaves

Sons, Not Slaves

By Kevin Harris, pastor of the Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Wollongong, NSW

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

ROMANS 8:14-16

Slaves made up a large portion of the population in Rome, as much as 1 in every 3 people you met on the street. They were considered inferior, mere property, with less rights than some people give their pets today.

When a slave was sold, he did not know what to expect. Was his master kind or cruel? Reasonable or mean-spirited? What sort of tasks would he be expected to perform? In short, what was life going to be like from now on? If he didn’t like his situation, there was no option to look for a new job unless he ran away and faced the consequences which that might bring.

In short, the day a slave was sold was a day of uncertainty and fear.

In contrast, on that same day a boy might be adopted into the very same family. But because his relationship was that of a son to a father, there was no fear whatsoever. His social standing was better. His legal standing was greater. And his economic position was healthier.

We who are saved are sons of the living God (John 1:12). We enjoy privileges slaves don’t have. Yes, elsewhere Paul referred to himself as a bondslave of the Lord Jesus Christ, but this chapter presents the balancing truth.

I serve my Saviour, not out of fear, but out of love.

We get to call Him ‘Abba, Father,’ a tender term similar to a child just learning to talk might say, ‘Da-Da’ or ‘Daddy.’

Father, thank You for making me Your son. What a precious relationship I enjoy with You. Now that You’ve saved me, I don’t serve You out of fear, but because I love You. Help me to rest secure in the knowledge that You are my loving Heavenly Father. I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

This article was written by Kevin Harris Dapto pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church.