Pastor Kevin Harris

Pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto
Pastor Kevin Harris

Pastor Kevin Harris


What Do I Owe My Wife?

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Proverbs 31:10

Twenty-seven and a half years ago God gave me Debby. She is the second greatest blessing of my life (the first being my salvation and relationship with God).

I have discovered that marriage God’s way works. By the way, I’ve learned that anything done God’s way works. This is because as the Creator of all, He knows best how to operate what He designs.

Anything worth having requires effort. The more valuable the thing, the greater the effort required, and the greater the reward received. This is definitely true of marriage!

God’s Word is an instruction manual for husbands and wives. So far I have learned seven responsibilities that I owe her. They are my opportunities to invest in my marriage.

Father, thank You for giving me a virtuous wife, and Your instruction manual to teach me how to treat her. Enable me to treat her in accordance with Your Word so well that she could be glad she married me. Help me to do all I can to make her life rich…and blessed. I ask this for Your pleasure. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prove Your Love

This letter was written to a church family in Corinth. 572 kilometres north of them was the church of Thessalonica. 160 kilometres further north was the church of Philippi. These last two churches were collectively referred to as ‘the churches of Macedonia’ in verse 1. They had heard of heavy…

Study the Saviour

As a youth, did you ever use a magnifying glass to concentrate sunlight on to a blade of grass until it began to smoke? Or on a bright day, have you seen your reflection in a piece of chrome? Driving to work on a recent winter morning, I had a motor accident. The sun was shining so intently into…