‘For to me to live is Christ…’
Philippians 1:21a
What are you passionate about? What do you dream of achieving in life?
Some live for sports. Some hunger for approval. Some thirst for wealth and all that it promises. Some live for whatever feels good like good food, sex, or shopping. Some eat, sleep, breathe music. Others crave adventures – underwater, in the air, overseas, outer space, wherever.
The Apostle Paul pursued the Lord Jesus Christ. He wrote the Book of Philippians on the theme of Christ, mentioning him 63 times in its 104 verses. Christ was His purpose. He had Paul’s affection. He was the One Paul followed during his lifetime. And when Paul thought ahead to the afterlife, it was Christ who was the Majestic Magnet of Heaven.
This is made apparent in verse 23, which says he desired ‘to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better.’
It’s easy to make the mistake of letting Heaven’s splendour be what draws us to that place. Or I might find enjoyment of rest and peace to be what lures me there. Certainly being free from sin’s curse is one of Heaven’s greatest charms. But Paul said that to him, being with Christ was the main appeal of Heaven.
That’s why verse 21 finishes with, ‘…and to die is gain.’ Death to the believer is the entryway to being eternally in the presence of Christ, and it is truly ‘far better’ as verse 23 reminds us. They can’t threaten a Christian with death! ‘Renounce Jesus Christ or I’ll kill you!’ ‘Go ahead!’ says the believer who thinks like Paul.
Can I say with Paul, ‘For me to live is Christ’? Is Christ my life? Is knowing Him, and pleasing Him, and being like Him what I live for? Do I think of Him often each day? Do I commune with Him frequently, unceasingly as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says? Do I think like He does, love what He loves as enthusiastically as He does, and abhor what He abhors as intensely as He does?
Father, there’s nothing I want more than to desire Christ more and more. Since He died on the cross for my sins, redeeming me from sin’s curse, and transforming me into His child, no One is more dear to me than He is. Dim my fondness for life’s recreations. Set Jesus Christ in His rightful place in my heart. Make Him my highest goal. I want to stand before Him someday soon and hear Him earnestly say, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.’ I ask this in Jesus’ most precious Name, Amen.