Pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto
Confined in Sin; Freed by the Saviour
Confined in Sin; Freed by the Saviour

Confined in Sin; Freed by the Saviour

By Kevin Harris, pastor of the Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Wollongong, NSW

But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Galatians 3:22-24

The law of Moses has a profound effect in Israel today. On a recent trip there we saw the restrictions that observant Jews still live under. We watched as a kosher diet was strictly observed. On the sabbath, elevator buttons were disabled so that one would not be guilty of lighting a fire on the sabbath. The light rail did not operate. A public piano was placed under lock and key.

Why did God give the Mosaic law? Verse 19 answers that question this way: ‘It was added because of transgressions.’ Because it is our tendency to think of ourselves as good people, mankind needed to have our sin laid bare to us.

Imagine a time before speed limits. Can you see in your mind’s eye a man on horseback racing through the main street of town? The ladies are gasping and exclaiming in horror, ‘Did you see how reckless he was? Why, my child might have easily been hurt by those flashing hooves!’ The rider, when confronted, disagrees.  ‘I was perfectly safe!’ he insists.  

How can a punishment be handed down in a situation like this?

The result is that a law is passed in that town specifying that once one reaches the town limit, he must slow down his horse to a trot. A sign is posted on either side of ‘Main Street’ notifying riders of the new law.

Next time that horseman approaches the town limits and sees the sign, if he ignores it, he clearly knows that he has transgressed. With a standard that clear, the sheriff can punish him in accordance with the law.

This is what the law of Moses did. It defined the limits. It took the murkiness away, and clarified the expectation that God has for His human creatures. The Ten Commandments leave no doubt in our minds about how we should live. Nor does it leave doubt about the punishment we deserve.

The result is that we became conscious of our wrongdoing. Old Testament Scriptures such as Psalm 5:9; 14:1-3; and 53:1-3 concluded that every one of us is guilty.

Our passage goes on to explain that, like a prison, we were confined by these sins so we would want to get out.

How do we get out from this prison of sin? Only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who frees us from sin’s power, unshackles us from sin’s penalty, and ultimately will give us liberty from sin’s very presence.  

Faith in the blood atonement of our Saviour is the only escape route. Praise the Lord for freedom in Christ!

Father, thank You for exposing me to my sinfulness so that I would turn to Christ for deliverance from my sin. I rejoice in my freedom in Him. Help me to, like the law, introduce others to the Saviour. I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

This article was written by Kevin Harris Dapto pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church.