Pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto

Timothy’s Example

When Paul desired someone to make a dangerous journey to Philippi, he couldn’t find volunteers who were willing to deny themselves life’s comforts. But there was one man. Timothy was exceptional. While most of us seek our own things, Timothys seek the things of Jesus Christ. It is natural to seek…

Get Back on Track

Last weekend at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, on the second to last lap, Carlos Sainz and Sergio Perez collided, crashing into the wall at high speed. They had both made a good start. An hour and a half of spectacular racing had put them both within reach of the podium. But on the 50th lap, in a…

Confined in Sin; Freed by the Saviour

The law of Moses has a profound effect in Israel today. On a recent trip there we saw the restrictions that observant Jews still live under. We watched as a kosher diet was strictly observed. On the sabbath, elevator buttons were disabled so that one would not be guilty of lighting a fire on the sabbath. The light rail did not operate. A public piano was placed…

Prove Your Love

This letter was written to a church family in Corinth. 572 kilometres north of them was the church of Thessalonica. 160 kilometres further north was the church of Philippi. These last two churches were collectively referred to as ‘the churches of Macedonia’ in verse 1. They had heard of heavy…