Pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Dapto
The Cure to the Shame of Women Preachers
The Cure to the Shame of Women Preachers

The Cure to the Shame of Women Preachers

By Kevin Harris, pastor of the Illawarra Community Baptist Church in Wollongong, NSW

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35

The church of Corinth was noted for its carnality and confusion. The verse before our text says, ‘God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.’ The chapter ends with a call to ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’ (v. 40).

It’s hard to learn very well in a chaotic environment. Whether in a war zone or a natural disaster, all concentration is broken and the students are sent home.

Likewise, a church is a place to learn. Verse 31 states the goal of a church service, ‘that all may learn, and all may be comforted.’

So to bring order and decency to the church of Corinth, the Spirit of God guided the Apostle Paul to make some changes, and one of those involved women speaking out in the services.

Apparently some ladies were interrupting the preacher and asking questions. Others may have been trying to teach others.

In that environment, the Lord orders the women to keep silent in the church services. He specifically says, ‘it is not permitted unto them to speak’ and refers to this as a shameful practise.

What does this say about the modern day practise of women preaching? God Almighty is quite clear: ‘it is a shame for women to speak in the church.’ No Christian should join a church or denomination where such shameful practices are tolerated. He says, ‘they are commanded to be under obedience.’ Can He be any clearer?

To provide an alternative, the Lord instructs women to ask their husbands at home.

We men are the spiritual leaders of our homes, and should be the ‘go to’ person our wives, daughters, and sisters can approach for answers to their spiritual questions.

May God raise up spiritual leaders among the men of our churches!

Father, if You are ashamed of Your children who tolerate women preachers, surely You are pleased with strong, loving male leadership. How much it must delight You to see men whom You’ve saved getting serious about their own spiritual growth, and serious about studying Your Word. Thank You for letting me know several such men. Strengthen each one, that we may strengthen those whom we lead. I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

This article was written by Kevin Harris Dapto pastor of Illawarra Community Baptist Church.